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Solar energy is a key part of ESB's Brighter Future strategy that seeks to shift electricity generation away from fossil fuels by developing renewable projects of scale, and in doing so, lead the transition to a low carbon energy future based on clean, reliable and affordable electricity. Solar PV technology provides a reliable source of renewable electricity that is proven around the world. 

The solar industry is just beginning in Ireland, and ESB is at the fore of this latest wave of renewable development. Ireland is expected to follow the trend of other European countries and see an increasing deployment of rooftop and grid-scale solar energy in the coming years. 

Solar provides many benefits in diversifying the renewable mix away from a single source such as wind. It also benefits from relatively quick construction timelines. Solar energy is suited to Ireland's climate and has the potential to provide a clean, diversified renewable electricity source for decades to come.

Watch as Sarah Stapleton, Solar Manager on ESB's Asset Development team, explains more:

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