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Our colleagues in Bahrain were delighted to support the non-profit organisation INJAZ Bahrain by donating IT equipment and facilitating a Junior ICAMP workshop.   

INJAZ Bahrain is a non-profit organisation which helps young Bahrainis to succeed in the global economy. It was established as part of Junior Achievement Worldwide to empower young people to own their economic success and to prepare for the business challenges that await them in the real world. INJAZ Bahrain delivers hands-on, immersive learning in STEM, entrepreneurship, sustainability, digital literacy, financial and work readiness and more.    

During a meeting with the Executive Director of INJAZ Bahrain, Ms Hana Sarwani, the team learnt about the various initiatives successfully delivered by the organisation. This meeting resulted in the donation of refurbished laptops by ESB International, presented to eager students for educational purposes.   

ESB International colleagues went on to facilitate a workshop of the Junior ICAMP programme which was being organised by INJAZ Bahrain in the Nadeen International School and the Al Raja School. The Junior ICAMP programme has an ethos of entrepreneurship, where students must take an idea, convert it into an actual product, and then pitch it. ICAMP aims to develop primary school students' interpersonal and problem-solving skills to enable them to find solutions to real-life challenges using creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork.     

The ESB International team facilitated a Junior ICAMP workshop at the Al Raja School where they guided and supported the students in their allocated challenge, which involved planning their next sports day.   

The programme involved several engaging activities and challenges to test the student's skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship. The students showed creativity and organisation skills in solving their challenges. The students presented their plans and creative solutions to the ESB International colleagues, before the judges chose the winning group.

The children were extremely intelligent and bright; their imaginations are huge, and their ideas are epic. I joined the programme as a facilitator and it was an amazing learning experience for me, as I learnt to dream bigger and think outside of the box.
Batool Ebrahim HR assistant with ESB International, Bahrain

The team (pictured) were impressed by the student's creativity and innovative problem-solving skills and recognised the future leadership potential of the participants. Whatever the future holds for these students, this excellent initiative gave them the unique opportunity to foster an understanding of the spirit of entrepreneurship through the principles of learning by doing. It also allowed them to develop their interpersonal, teamwork, and problem-solving skills and learn to work under tight deadlines. This experience is an excellent lesson for the real world, and we hope it will lead to a bright future for the students involved.   



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