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The Project

ESB Engineering and Major Projects (EMP) are responsible for ensuring the ESB transmission overhead line network at 110 kV to 400 kV is maintained and upgraded to meet the future capacity requirements of a rapidly evolving transmission grid incorporating ever-increasing renewable generation (primarily wind and solar) to meet ESB’s Brighter Future goal.  

Photograph of pylons in green fields

Our Approach

  • The Challenge

    The combination of aging infrastructure in conjunction with the increasing capacity requirements and connection points over the network with demand forecast to rise between 25 and 50% by 2030.

  • The Solution

    To refurbish and upgrade the network to the highest international standards to ensure resilience and reliability under all demand requirements and weather conditions, EMP have developed a new Transmission Line Assessment (TLA) process covering all transmission line components. This risk and reliability-based approach is designed to provide a coordinated approach at an early stage in the project lifecycle giving cost certainty and removing risk at the construction phase.

The Technology

Graphical image of a spanner and a cog

The increasing use of new technologies and data, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicle's (UAV’s) and other inspection and data collection and management techniques, facilitates the development of asset health indices vital in planning for reliability-centred maintenance and refurbishment of the overhead line network.


The Results

Icon of a globe with a circle containing a check mark

  • Over 1,500 kilometres (20%) of transmission network (110 kV and 220 kV) refurbished or upgraded since 2010. 
  • Delivery of a similar level of refurbishment and upgrading planned by 2030. 
  • Engaged in a major programme to refurbish 500 kilometres of 400 kV lines. 
  • Ongoing annual maintenance inspections and condition assessments on up to 7,500 kilometres of transmission lines. 

Related Case Studies


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Photograph of two men with their backs to the camera and looking at power lines. They are wearing hard hats and high vis vests with the ESB International logo on the back

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Contact Us

Dublin Office

ESB International,
One Dublin Airport Central,
Dublin Airport Cloghran,
Co Dublin,
Phone +353 1 703 8000 +353 1 703 8000

Bahrain Office

ESB International Office 1002,
Building 655 Road 3614,
Block 436,
Seef Area,
Phone +973 1770 8118 +973 1770 8118

Oman Office

ESB International Office 206,
2nd Floor, Holiday Inn Al,
Mazoon Street South Al,
Mawaleh, Muscat P.O. Box,
P.C 118 Sultanate of Oman
Phone +973 1770 8118 +973 1770 8118