The Project
The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) was funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), to address unreliable electricity supply and insufficient access to electricity. ESB International provided Technical Advisory Services to the ECG from 2017 to 2019, assisting them in carrying out their financial and operational turnaround obligations.

Our Approach
The Challenge
Over the past few decades, ECG has been affected by both operational and financial challenges. Common trends among these challenges were high technical and commercial losses.
The Solution
Embedded within the ECG organisation, ESB International provided technical and commercial advisory services during the implementation of their projects under the MCC funded Compact. This helped strengthen and modernise the ECG utility operations, helping to support sector growth and improvement.
The Technology
Ambitious Information and Communication Technology (ICT), alongside Business Change Projects and Networks Projects, including increased Access.
The Results
- Assisted ECG review designs and technical documents
- Loss and outage reduction initiative assistance
- Developed ECG internal capability via transfer knowledge and skills sharing
- Established a Project and Change Management Office
- Supported ICT modernising utility operation activities
We’re proud to continue our tradition of providing consultancy services to the Ghanaian energy sector, strengthening the ECG journey to a modern and efficient utility.
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